Saturday, July 30, 2011

wedding on the beach

hello love,
i am so overwhelmed by the response i got with my little hair tutorial (y'all are so lovely)- i will most definitely be making more of those i think! once again, i am a little late on posting in a timely manner... i do promise i will get better. anyway loves, here is a design i finished a little while ago. this was such a fun 3-piece design to work on because not only is it for a dear friend of mine, but it is also a beach wedding! so ta-da! what do you think? 

i would also like to give a shout out to my friend ben kirby... ben, it's people like you who keep my blog going ;) ha! you are awesome

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

a summery way to keep your hair off your neck!

hello love,
so i've been trying out new hairstyles for the summer- branching out from my normal ponytail or side braid. lately (especially on the runway- oooh la la) i've been seeing a lot of these knotty messy buns that i think are simply adorable. i decided to try it out for myself and have fallen in love. it takes literally 20 seconds to do! all of you girls out there who are anything like me will agree, quick is always good! 
what you will need:: bobby pins (a lot of you have long hair like me!), a couple of cute bobby pins to give the style a little extra something (i purchased these at RiffRaff), and some hairspray

Monday, July 18, 2011

my dear harry

hello love,
last friday was an exciting night for yours truly as i saw the LAST harry potter film! did you see it love? it totally blew me away! the directing was amazing, harry and ron were as dashing as ever, and the special effects were incredible! i went with my friend kelly, stood in line for two hours, shed some tears, and enjoyed a fantastic movie. i will be seeing it again this week i am sure :) so so good!
anyway, we obviously dressed up (we didn't go too crazy, but a shirt was necessary- and since every store was sold out of their HP gear, we opted for some homemade goodness)... here's my homemade t-shirt, cut and drawn with sharpie (classy). i would love to see what you all wore to the HP movie

getting SO excited standing in line!
couldn't have chosen a better friend to go with!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

button book

hello love,
i stumbled across this today and decided i must post it for you lovelies to see. how adorable is this button book created by illustrator and designer stephanie davidson (a wonderful name if i may say; my beautiful cousin shares it with her)... love love love

Thursday, July 7, 2011

june favorites

hello love,
it's time again for me to post my monthly favs for the past month. here is what i was loving during the month of june!
i would love to know what your favorite things during june were